Aug 26, 2022 - Good Impressions
Go Media's Day Out With Sustainable Coastlines

Go Media supports Sustainable Coastlines as part of our Good Impressions initiative. We are proud to be able to support such an awesome NGO, that’s working towards keeping Aotearoa clean and green. Sustainable Coastlines does a whole range of environmental work, including; beach clean ups, education around waste disposal and freshwater, tree planting, and much more.
At the start of this month, the Christchurch Go Media Team were invited to help Sustainable Coastlines with one of their tree planting events. Of course, as an avid supporter of the cause, the team were thrilled to be able to get their hands dirty and be a part of the action.
At 8am, on a cold and frosty morning, the Christchurch Go Media Team rugged up and made their way to Waimakariri River Regional Park. Once they arrived at Kaiapoi Island, they were directed to the preparation station, where they were promptly greeted with an “interpretative dance by Jodie from Sustainable Coastlines who certainly put the fun in fundraising manager”.
The team then received a demo on the native-tree planting process, and were educated about the importance of planting native trees around Aotearoa waterways. “Riparian planting (planting alongside waterways) restores freshwater ecosystems. Through their roots, trees help to stabilise waterway slopes, which reduces the sediment entering the water.”

Motivated to get started, the Go Media Team went on to find a spot to start planting. “It’s safe to say we chose the muddiest patch of the nearby terrain, as our favorite desk DJ, Sophie K managed to get stranded in the mud multiple times, earning some battle-scars to the shins.” Temporary stranding aside, the Christchurch team managed to get a good production line going with Larissa and Sophie K serving as chief tree-house builders, Cass acting as tree mat distributor, Jason and Craig leading the hole digging operation, and Sophie W earning the solitary title of “earth pounder.”

After a long day of digging holes and planting trees, the Christchurch team (minus Craig, who opted to catch the afternoon surf) rewarded their efforts with a cheeky drink in town, “succeeding in muddying the floor of the local Little Poms.”
Here's what the ‘pun loving’ Christchurch team had to say about their experience:
Sophie K: “10/10 wood recommend”
Larissa: “Best work Saturday ever, I never wanted to leaf!”
Craig: “I really dug the experience”
Jason: “We really branched out of our comfort zone”
Sophie W: “we are really rooting for Sustainable Coastlines”
Cass: “I never twigged how important trees were to protect our waterways”

Not only did the Christchurch Go Media Team learn a lot about the importance of protecting our waterways, but they also had a great time helping Sustainable Coastlines plant the native trees and were happy to be a part of such an important cause, overall an awesome experience.
We can’t wait for the next opportunity to help Sustainable Coastlines with their amazing environmental work, and encourage anyone and everyone to give it a go too!
Learn more about Sustainable Coastlines here
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